1. PDC-Si(M)CN基无线无源压力传感器的结构设计与制造,福建省自然科学基金面上项目资助(项目编号:2018J01551),起止年月:2018— 2021,经费10万
2. 基于聚合物先驱体陶瓷的耐高温压力传感器的设计与制造(项目编号:JZ160452),福建省高校青年自然基金重点项目,起止年月:2016-2018,经费5万。
3. 应用于高温无线传感的PDC-SiCN陶瓷的微博介电性能研究,福建省教育厅中青年教育科研项目(项目编号:JAT160293),起止年月:2016-2018,经费1万。
4. 基于高温陶瓷微型智能温度/压力传感器的仿真设计,厦门大学技术支持合同(国家A计划项目),起止年月:2016-2017,经费4万。
5. 高温传感网络,闽南师范大学博士科研启动金,起止年月:2015-2020,经费5万。
6. LED 照明光源的光学设计与相干性控制,福建省教育厅 JK 研究项目(JK2011054),起止年月:2011-2014,经费3万。
7. 国家重大科学研究计划(973)(新型铜基化合物薄膜太阳能电池相关材料和器件的关键科学问题研究)课题编号:2012CB933704;子课题名称:平面光波导型聚光太阳能电池研究,起止年月:2012-2016,经费560万。
8. 纳米晶体平面荧光聚光波导研究,福建省教育厅 A 类项目(JAT160457),起止年月:2016-2018,经费1万。
9. 具有轨道角动量的部分相干矢量涡旋光束的产生,国家自然科学基金(60977068),起止年月:2012-2016,经费60万。
10. 矢量双涡旋光束在大气湍流中水平及斜程传输的研究,福建省自然科学基金(2013J01248),起止年月:2013-2016,经费6万。
11. 光束的偏振调制与光束传输的控制,三明学院科研课题(B201008/Q),起止年月:2010-2012,经费0.8万。
1. Li Yan, Effect of Thermal Initiator Concentration on the Electronic Structure of Polyvinylsilazane Derived SiCNO Ceramics, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2015,12(5):985-990.(SCI 3区)
2. Li Yan, Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Electrical Behavior of Polymer-Derived SiOCN Ceramic,Journal of Materials Science & Chemical Engineering,2015 , 03(10):9-16. (SCI 4区)
3. Li Yan, Wireless passive polymer-derived SiCN ceramic sensor with integrated resonator/antenna,Applied Physics Letters,2013 103(16):337-1483. . (SCI 2区)
4. Li Yan, Full dense SiCN ceramics derived from polysilazane, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 631-632, 303-305 (EI)。
5. 余煜玺, 李燕, 夏范森, 等. 有线无源 PDC-SiCN 陶瓷基温度传感器的设计与制备[J]。功能材料, 2017, 48(4): 4216-4220。
6. Yan Li*, Li Yuanzuo, Dong Bin, Yang Zhilin*, Direct visualization of the charge transfer in conjugated polymers, Sci. China. Phys. Mech., 54, 1019-1023(2011).(SCI)
7. Haisheng San, Yan Li*, Zijun Song, Yuxi Yu*, and Xuyuan Chen. Self-Packaging Fabrication of Silicon-Glass Based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor, IEEE Electr. Device. L., May 13, 2013.(SCI).
8. Zhilin Yang, Yan Li*, Zhipeng Li, Deyin Wu, Junyong Kang, Hongxing Xu, Mengtao Sun, Surface enhanced Raman scattering of pyridine adsorbed on Au@Pd core/shell nanoparticles,J. Chem. Phys., 130, 234705 (2009) (SCI)
9. Yang Zhilin, Yan Li*, Li Yuanzuo, Chen Maodu, Kang Junyong, Gu Liyun, Ma Fengcai,Photo-induced charge transfer in defect-free (TiO2)(15) nanoparticles and charge transfer from carotenoid to (TiO2)(15b) nanoparticle in carotenoid-(TiO2)(15b) complex used for solar cell, Chem. Phys. Lett., 480,265-268 (2009)(SCI)
10. Lihua Qian, Biswajit Das, Yan Li*, Zhilin Yang, Giant Raman enhancement on nanoporous gold film by conjugating with nanoparticles for single-molecule detection. J. Mater. Chem., 20, 6891–6895 (2010).(SCI)
11. Fangqiang Li, Haisheng San*, Changzheng Li, Yan Li*, Xuyuan Chen, MEMS-based Plasmon infrared emitter with hexagonal hole arrays perforated in the Al-SiO2-Si structure, J. Micromech. Microeng., 21, 105023 ( 2011).(SCI)
12. Zijun Song, Xiang Wang, Yan Li*, Haisheng San, Yuxi Yu, Design and Fabrication of an Improved MEMS-based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 482-484, 318-321 (2012).(EI)
13. Yanli Zhao, Zijun Song, Yan Li*, Haisheng San, Yuxi Yu, Low Temperature Wafer Direct Bonding Using Wet Chemical Treatment,Advanced Materials Research,Vols. 482-484,2381-2384 (2012).(EI)
14. Zhang Hong , Xu Huiming Yan Li*, Song Zijun, San Haisheng, Yu Yuxi, A Si-Glass based pressure sensor with a single piezoresistive element for harsh environment applications, IEEE NEMS 2013, 348-351.(EI)
15. 林惠川,陶华,贺盟,蒲继雄,饶连周,大功率单色 LED 的空间相干特性,光学学报,2012,32(3):0323003. (EI 收录)
16. Chen Guangming, Tao Hua, Lin Huichuan, et al. Spectral spatial coherence of high-power multi-chip LEDs. Optoelectronics Letters, 2012, 8(6): 422-425.(SCI
17. Huichuan Lin, Peng Xie, Yong Liu, Xiang Zhou, Baojun Li, Tuning luminescence and reducing reabsorption of Cd Se quantum disks for luminescent solar concentrators, Nanotechnology, 2015,26:3354011-3354019.(SCI 收录)
18. Huichuan Lin, Peng Xie, Yong Liu, Xiang Zhou, Baojun Li, Three-dimensional transparent parabolic concentrator for photovoltaics, AIP Advances, 2015, 5:0971751-0971758. (SCI 收录)
19. Xie Peng, Lin Huichuan, Liu Yong, et al. Total internal reflection-based planar waveguide solar concentrator with symmetric air prisms as couplers. Optics express, 2014, 22(106): A1389-A1398.
20. Huichuan Lin, Guijuan Fang, Lianzhou Rao, Jixiong Pu, Tight focusing induces pulse delay and pulse compression of double-ring-shaped radiallypolarized ultrashort light pulses, Journal of Modern Optics, 2015,63(7):697-703. (SCI 收录)
21. Huichuan Lin, Ziyang Chen, Jixiong Pu, Pulsedelay and pulse compression of ultrashort light pulses in tight focusing, Optics Communications, 2014, 332:164-168.(SCI 收录)
22. Huichuan Lin, Jixiong Pu, The propagation of Airy beams from Right-handed material to Left-handed material, Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(5):054201.(SCI 收录)
23. Huichuan Lin, Jixiong Pu, Propagation property of partially coherent radially polarized beam in a turbulent atmosphere, Journal of Modern Optics, 2009, 56(11):1296-1303.(SCI 收录)
24. 林惠川,蒲继雄,像散对径向偏振无衍射光束产生的影响,激光与光电子学进展,2015,52:012602.
25. 林惠川,蔡佳景,蒲继雄,饶连周,矢量随机电磁光束的圆环衍射特性,中国激光,2013,39(s1):202002. (EI 收录)
26. 林惠川,蒲继雄,孙希,双环径向偏振涡旋光束经介质界面的深聚焦特性,强激光与粒子束,2010,(8):1761-1765. (EI 收录)
27. 林惠川,刘辉,蒲继雄,腔外相干叠加产生径向偏振光,中国激光,2009,36(S1):251-256. (EI收录)
28. 林惠川,蒲继雄,衍射效应诱导涡旋光束的偏振度变化,光子学报,2008,38(8):2087-2092. (EI收录)
1. 一种SiCN陶瓷有线无源温度传感器及其制备方法,专利号:201410357668.1,授权。
2. 一种 SiCN 陶瓷无线无源温度传感器及其制备方法,专利号:103487155B,授权。
3. 一种石墨烯球增韧SiCN陶瓷的制备方法,专利号:201410839723.0,授权。
4. 无线无源SiCN陶瓷基谐振腔式振动传感器及制备方法,发明专利,专利号:201410840230.9,授权。
5. 空间相干调制的光束整形光学系统专利号:200920183504.6,授权。
6. 一种SiCO空心纳米球的制备方法, 申请号:201310416785.6
1. 一种用于斜坡路面的新型 LED 路灯透镜结构,专利号:ZL 201320083064.3,授权。